
Benefit Bahrain Sponsors the Bahrain International eGovernment Forum 2018

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09 Oct 2018

أعلنت اللجنة المنظمة لمنتدى البحرين الدولي للحكومة الإلكترونية ومعرض البحرين لتقنية المعلومات 2018، الذي سيقام تحت رعاية كريمة من سمو الشيخ محمد بن مبارك آل خليفة نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء رئيس اللجنة العليا لتقنية المعلومات والاتصالات، في 7 و8 أكتوبر القادم، عن دعم شبكة البحرين الإلكترونية الوطنية للمعاملات المالية (بنفت)، للمنتدى في نسخته التاسعة هذا العام.

On this occasion, Mr. Yousif AlNefaiei, Deputy General Manager of Business Development assured that supporting the Forum this year is within Benefit’s keenness in contributing in events that share their field of interest and carry a great weight in both the local and regional technology field. AlNefaiei indicated that the Forum goes in line with Benefit’s aspiring vision to be the leaders in Electronic Payments, Funds Transfer along with Business Process service and support in the financial and non-financial sectors in order to add value to the shareholders and community in the region.

AlNefaiei added ‘the Forum, following previous cooperation between Benefit and the Information and & eGovernment Authority (iGA) noting the Authority is considered to be one the top local governmental entities that business entails the use of electronic payments. We here in Benefit always aspire to provide innovative payment services and Information Management Systems, we also take on the tasks of supporting and assisting, including electronic support, related business transactions in order to provide added value to the financial sector and other related sectors to strengthen their business management efficiency.’

The Authority welcomes all of those interested in the forum track of Blockchain, cybersecurity, digital transformation, data analytics  & cloud computing by visiting the forum website wwwegovforum.bh to register. For further inquiries please contact us through egovforum@iga.gov.bh.